An Ode to My Processing Disorder

I don’t always have the capacity to verbalize my thoughts

I oftentimes find it easier to talk to a blank screen alone,

Fingers equipped- 

Or in a trialogue with pen and paper-

Than to speak aloud, fluently and with fluidity, 

And maintain a conversation

Don’t get me wrong, I love banter

I love hearing about your day and replying to your inquiries, but

I do grow weary of allocating time

To people who must always fill space with words

And cannot stop to listen to the rhythm of the moment

I prefer to surrender a little bit of time for discernment

Allow me to really hear to you

And not just reply for the sake of you feeling listened to

If you cannot hold space for the importance of

Comprehension and cognition required in forging a bond,

I’m afraid I’d rather sit with you forever in silence

Than spend unceasing time on the mundane


Bee Trap


Sorry, I’m Sapphic