Bee Trap
Each word of mine unconfessed-
How would they sound to you?
Would they touch you in the same way
You've touched me
Without really having touched me?
Or would they sway you
And encourage you to run
At the same pace my heart does
When I make time to loiter around
In your presence?
These days, my mind is like that jar on the porch
Half full of carcasses and grievances
"It's only to keep the bad ones out"
But, when you aren't looking,
The good ones share the same demise
I'm afraid for two reasons to let you in
One is the damage you could do
The second, the damage you'll find
The buzzing is enough to drive myself mad
Yet, I find you, and it quiets
Is this somehow a metaphor-
For how releasing dead insects
Becomes a benefaction to myself?
I remind myself: how unfair it is
To plant a garden, and to colonize it
I rescued one from the trap
It was still alive and well
I'd like to think it thanked me
As it paused it's own promise of freedom
To sit comfortably on the jar
I am no longer afraid of being stung
Only of watching something die
I took the trap down for good
And now, there's no relevance between
Dead insects and my mind
Those carcasses, laid peacefully to rest
Like the grievances I once harbored
Let them not know the fear I once felt
The fear of falling, and climbing endlessly
Amid the stench of similar death
Let me pause to pollinate this garden
To fly away free if the wind tells me so
And carry home the benefits I've reaped
Things will be different, now
Now that I've taken down the trap
They have to be
Allow the harmony, allow the risk
For without the bees
My garden would never thrive
And today, we share the experience of
What it means to be alive.