Shadow Work

And now I see

There doesn't need to be this separation of light and dark within me

They can coexist, codependent and within harmony

I mean, if the sun didn't shine on me

There wouldn't be a shadow, right?

And if the shadow didn't exist,

Then to what shady comfortability 

Would I immerse myself in when the sun shines too bright?

When I've grown into my middle name, self-sabotage 

And I cannot tolerate the heat?

Self-sabotage will become self-love

In the same way practice makes perfect 

I will never be perfect, but I will never be anything if not for this 

That version of me is dead and gone 

I still don't know who I am, but I'm glad to be rid of who I've been

Like a phoenix from the ashes,

Like a supernova from a dying star

Like a lotus blooming in the mud-

I will adapt, I will evolve, and I will shed

That which no longer serves me




A Reminder To Take My Medication