An Acknowledgment To My Inner Child

If I should die before the rest of your pain,

Know now that I tried my hardest for us

The price of feeling is as large a fee as

Our emotions were always made out to be

Tested, trialed, and examined for validity

Childhood was meant to be magical, but

The only trick you were ever taught 

Was how to tuck and hide your feelings away

Lest you become the magician that spoils his own illusion

And you perfected it

Nobody ever told you it was okay to be sad

To be angry, confused, anything but glad

So, here you are, full of fucking rage

Beating against my stomach with fists 

Clenched tighter than my jaw

You were always taught to keep your hands to yourself

But never to keep other's hands off of you

You're not easy, babe, just simply scared

Of what happens when you say "no"

It was not. Your. Fault. 

My fists are clenched just as tightly as yours

My emotions flood like rabbits hopping out of hats,

I've spoiled the illusion, I'm spoiled with rage-

I see you, I hear you, and I know this feeling

Know now, child, that this is the price of healing

You are allowed to be angry

You are allowed to be sad

I know some days it feels like we'll never feel glad, but

You will experience things you never thought you would

You'll keep on writing poetry, even the kind that's good

You will still feel angry, and you will still be sad, but

You will run into waves and 

Make friends with the water

You'll dance around fires, and forget

About being the perfect daughter

You will run through the rain and 

Pick flowers for girls 

You will start to believe that there's something

Worth sticking around for 

In this world

We will be loyal, and we will be brave

We will be the strongest person people know,

Even on our weakest days

And on those days, know now 

Child, I am by your side 

I will honor your existence and

The feelings held inside

We will not need approval 

Or validation of what happens

In our mind

We are made of magic

And we'll never let it fade, and we'll find it

In songs, in nature, in people

And in places where we'll want to stay

Life will fluctuate, but you'll learn to ride the waves

We don't need to write our own ending

We'll find joy in savoring the words and 

Interactions within the chapters

There may not be a happy ending, but

At least the story captivated us

And when the last chapter ends and

The cover folds over on itself,

Know now that I am proud of you 

For committing to the journey

And finding the magic within the pages

You see, your past does not define our future

And I trust that you'd feel safe with me 

Unclench your fists, cry those tears, say those words

And know now, child,

You are fucking free.


No Hard Feelings?